Tuesday, May 14, 2019


So grateful to witness this moment!!
Love it!!!

Recorded on October 04, 2018

Another fruitful night

Second meeting went well!!! Thanks Kent for coming over to share the Gospel in a different perspective!
Even we have a good discussion after that too!
Love being with these people, and I pray that God will continue to speak to them and open their heart.
Recorded on October 01, 2018

Lunch with Victoria

First time having lunch with this girl, some good time together

Recorded on October 01, 2018

Lifegame in San Diego

若没有奉差遣,怎能传道呢?如经上所记: “报福音,传喜信的人,他们的脚踪何等佳美!” 罗10:14-15

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”  Romans 10:14-15

I'm always enjoying myself so much when I serve together with these fun and crazy people!
Although it was tough to wake up early in the morning and slept late constantly, we are always filled with joy and love!
Blessed to serve together as a team!  
Recorded on September 26-30, 2018

My friend, Anna

Miss my spiritual friend, my travel partner, my dear hilarious friend, Adreanna
Finally, we have the opportunity to have a video call in the morning since we return from our summer trip.
Miss the laugh, the quiet time and adventurous we had together!
Good to update our lives and laugh out loud together while sharing what God had done in our lives since we came back from the trip.

Recorded on September 24, 2018

Art walk

My art professor told me there is an art exhibition in downtown Hickory, so I decided to go check it out with my friend. 
It wasn't as much as I thought it would be, but still grateful for what we have now.
Hope we can have the opportunity to involve in things like this! That would be fun! 

Recorded on September 20, 2018

Reunite with my x-roomie

Decided to hang out this Saturday, went to Sophie's place for simple breakfast, then walk to downtown Hickory~~~
Yeap, walk to downtown Hickory, it wasn't too far, but the idea of walking never came to my mind.
Since we are walking together, so, I will give it a try, as long as I don't pass out on the road. XD 
We went to the farmers' market in downtown, then have a coffee break before we head back, a simple day with this sweet lady~
Oh, Sophie~~~

Recorded on September 22, 2018

Part of College Life #73

Well, need to stay up and do our assignments, so we have unhealthy food here to keep us accompanied.

Recorded on September 19, 2018

Inflatable installation art

I love going on a field trip, especially a field trip that's fun and fruitful.
While I'm taking this History of Modern Art class, we had the opportunity to view different 
modern art, check out the technique, methods, and view them from a different perspective. 
Well, we are in the installation art chapter, so my professor decided to take us on this field trip to the art museum that's near our campus. 
They are currently having this inflatable installation art exhibition. 
Pretty interesting and cool!
Well, which one is your favorite?
Recorded on September 18, 2018

Part of College Life #72

Prof. Pope: Look what I found?!
Me: What is that?
Prof. Pope: Dead insect! I wonder if I can make it an art or do something about it~
Me: Well.... I guess you can~

Recorded on September 18, 2018

Chilling during the hurricane season

When there is no class, peace is here... hahahah
Spent more quiet time with the Lord in the morning while enjoying my breakfast on the bed.

Recorded on September 15, 2018


According to forecast, we supposed to have a hurricane here this week...
Well, basically when there is potential wired weather, the school will shut down.
So, our school has the evacuation and classes are canceled!
Started to store up some food from the cafe, well, you never know how bad it will be...
I know these are a lil too much!
Recorded on September 14, 2018

Monday, May 13, 2019

Football game at LR

Football season begins!!!
Love this time of the school year where everyone gets together at the football court and cheer for the team!
Of course, free food, free t-shirt, free coupons are attractive too!!!
Good fun time with the community!
Recorded on September 13, 2018