(This is my first time wearing Chinese costume....shame~~~hahaha)
I'm not a girl who loves putting on makeup, so this makeup nearly drives me crazy. I had a class before presentation, so I have to rush it out, and took me 20mins to get ready for this! Bommmmm~~~~~
Everyone said I look cute~~~ what?!?!!?
I don't want to look cute!!! =.="
Anyway, the presentation went well, glad that I didn't tripped myself with the heels, or mumbling~~ hahahah
So after the presentation, decided to take some photos with my classmate, and their presentation will be on next Monday!! wohooo~~~~~~~
其实没有太多要介绍的,这presentation 的主题是要我们设计出一个全新的音乐人物,要介绍这个音乐人物的背景,音乐类型,受谁影响等等。我口才不如美国人来得快,能够说笑话,所以决定换上我的旗袍尝试新的风格!哈哈哈!
我才不要看起来很可爱!!! =.="
结束后,和我一些同学合照,而她们的 presentation 是在下个星期一!!!
That's me!!!!!