Saturday, September 10, 2016





Visited CRU on Tuesday and Thursday night for my very first time, the original name for CRU was Campus Crusade 
for Christ, something like campus ministry. Some people told me that they just meet for gathering, and some told me 
that not many people joining, and bla bla bla....didn't think too much, just go and visit. It was a special experience to 
me. Tuesday night is like normal gathering with ice-breaking, praise and worship, and Gospel message, and Thursday 
night is Bible study separated by male and female. Realized that not much freshmen are joining this, and actually I can't find 
any information about this gathering on campus or facebook, wondering why....
I guess they were surprise to see me coming here alone.

Anyway, doesn't mean that you no need to seek for God if you have no companion, right?!

Bible study was pretty good, but the time management can be improve, so that will have more time for sharing and 
pray for each others. I think I will still join CRU, but join with a mission and challenge them to be disciple and walk out 
of their comfort zone. Keep me in your prayer!

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