Monday, February 27, 2017


但是味道还挺不错的,朋友都说很好吃,(反正大家都没吃过,就这样混过去了!哈哈哈) 既然好吃,
那我就不要脸地把食谱也放上来吧~ 哈哈哈哈


1. 先将鸡翅洗净,在背面划上一刀 (据说会比较入味哦!)
2. 将鸡翅用姜(将一半的姜切片),生抽和老抽腌制,一两个小时会更入味哦!记得不时翻一下。
3. 将腌制好的鸡翅放入电饭煲中,加入姜片(把剩下的姜切片),不需要把腌制的酱汁放入。
4. 倒入可乐,刚好覆盖鸡翅便可,开始煮,不时搅拌(不要太用力,要不然没有卖相,哈哈哈)
5. 一般来说可乐煮到快干的时候就可以取出来吃了,但是我煮了一个小时都没有干,
6. 酱汁浓稠时便可关火,取出,淋在鸡翅上。


哇塞! 我竟然也有煮咖哩的一天!!!

咖哩鱼蛋是香港出名的街头小吃,但是在沙巴都不难找到这小吃,因为几乎在华人早市或夜市档口都有。哈哈哈~ 而且还百吃不腻啊!!!



鱼丸 1包半
咖哩粉 半包
椰奶 三汤匙

1. 先把油倒一点入饭煲,把蒜头敲碎,放入饭煲中爆香(由于电饭煲比较慢热,所以要等一下)
2. 把洗干净的鱼丸和切块的马铃薯放入,简单炒一下,不需要太久。
3. 将煮好的热水倒入饭煲中,水刚好盖过鱼丸即可。
4. 将咖哩粉倒入锅中,我倒了半包(因为人多),简单搅拌一下
5. 加入切段的青葱和椰奶,加了一点盐,试一试味道
6. 水滚后,将饭煲调为保温,焖三分钟后,就可以吃了!


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Bible study- Make room for......

I love bible study group, not only draw me closer to God, but also give me more inspiration and learn more.
So this Thursday, instead of having bible study at Anna and Sarah's house, we moved to a classroom, with the different arrangement, 
and the blackboard was written down the title of tonight, "Make Room for....."
Every day, we are busy and put our own work, study, hobby, friends, family as a priority in our life. 
We might have some extra time for something else, but most of the time, we don't even have time for that.
So tonight, with the title "Make Room for...", through all the different corners, such as children, poor people, 
our neighbor, widows, orphan, church, lost cause, our enemies, and our self-righteous, we 'make room' for all 
these single things, read the passage from the Bible, reflect on it, and pray.
We were required to bring our bible and journal, to write down whatever God speak to us through all these special corners. 
We can choose to go randomly without any order and spend as much time as we want until we are ready to move on to the next corner.

Isn't that sweet??

Really enjoy myself with the whole arrangement, able to spend time talk to God, reflect, and record whatever comes to my mind. 
Love it!!!!!

23th February 2017 record 

Food Gathering - never feeling board!

花了一两个小时在准备材料,腌制鸡肉,两道主食各花了一个小时,也另外煲了饭,终于在预定的时间 7:30pm 完成,朋友也陆续来了!
咖哩鱼蛋则成功做出那平时在沙巴档口吃的味道!!!配上东亚主要粮食--白饭,呵~ 满足啊!!!


24th February 2017 record

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


My friend introduce to me some good Japanese food in our town, KOBE Japanese house of steak & seafood!!!!! She used to work there so we manage to meet the manager, workers, some of them came from China, speak both Mandarin and Cantonese! wohoo!!!!!

I was attracted by their building, which looks like Japanese cultural building! I ordered  Salmon sushi, salmon sushi roll and miso soup, not expensive and pretty good!
So happy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
Gonna come back again and try their steak, chicken, seafood grilled in front of patrons!!! muahahahahah~

Venue: 1103 13th Ave Dr SE, Hickory, NC 28602
Go and check it out!!!!!

22th February 2017 record

Part of College Life #20

Blessed to have the friend who cooks steak for you at 10p.m.. 
Look at that steak, how could you say no? 

Part of College Life #19

Met a funny guy in the cafeteria randomly who started a conversation with us through sign language, in the end, we all start learning sign language from him for 45mins. 

21th February 2017

Eat hard, play hard, study hard!!

My dad always doubt that I put effort in my study, hahah
Well, maybe because I learned how to handle stress better now than I used to, plus, who take the picture when they study?! lols~! *not me*

This semester has been great and treat me well, not too much work to do, but not too free either.
Perfect for me!!!
March is around the corner, which means, midterm is coming real soon, wohoo~! 
eat hard, play hard, study hard!!!

Yum Yum Yum

My RA who come from Honduras wants to try original Malaysian food, so I cooked Bak Kut Teh 
for him, and invited another two friends(but they were late) to come and join us. 
Yes, he loves the food!!! hahahahahaha..... and non-stop talking~!!!
and the smell of Bat Kut Teh lasts for two days in my dorm.

P.S: I think I can start my own food business in the dorm soon~!!! hahahahahah sounds great!
18th February 2017 record


Simple dinner as usual~
Sometimes pretty lazy to go eat at the cafeteria, or when there are no food I like, 
so just cook in my dorm, feels like my cooking skills getting better~~~ hahahah

Friday, February 17, 2017

Part of College Life #18

Working hard even though you know your plan doesn't work well (because you still eat a lot~)....
hahahhaa....sad case!

Part of College Life #17

Never let your friend leaves your room with an empty stomach, 
feed her even though is late at night (12a.m.)...

Stuck in there

Most of the time we choose to lock ourselves inside our mind, but in the end, we stuck there. 

Part of College Life #16

When your show up in the gym with your rounder choice but work hard babe!

pho?! (fa?)

Sneak out from campus to get some great food!

My friend, King brought me to try great "pho" since I never had it before, hahahahaha.....and why not?
So after she done with her class at 12pm, she came and pick me up, and make our way to pho 777, I heard that's the best place to eat pho in town. Ohyeah~~~~ I ordered kids meal of pho with rare meat and meatball, while King ordered spring roll and fried tou fu for me to try. (I'm so glad I order kid's meal.....!!!!! I can't imagine
if I get normal size, I might not be able to walk with a full stomach.) Love pho, that reminded me the noodle
soup I used to had in Thailand. yum yum yum!!!!
16th February 2017 record

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Unknown future

Future becomes unknown when the new political leader took place, worse or better, no one knows.