Saturday, May 12, 2018

My walk with God

It has been very encouraging to experience and witness how blessed I am. Especially when all were written down, looking back, God never leave me nor forsake me, but hold me closely to His side.

Drew this picture not long ago, as if Jesus and I are looking at the world, He loves the world and the people even though they are broken and sinful, but who shall He send? and who will go for Him?

The journey of faith is where He shapes my heart and my vision, to trust in Him by going into the world and proclaim His name. It's scary, risky, and with a lot of unpredictable circumstances, but yet, He wants me to place all my worries and doubts on Him. He wants me to just believe in Him, and He will do great things out of all these crazy junks.

Isn't that amazing? He strengthens my faith, again and again, shows me how abundant my life can be by living in His will. Thus, I have nothing to boast about myself, but His unfailing love and grace.

He cares and listens to me even I don't deserve that, He chooses to love me not because what I earn or did, but because He is love. How wonderful is it? It has been such an honor to walk alongside Jesus and witness His power through the Holy Spirit, and experience how God the Father's word renew my life. and I can't wait to go around and share my life stories, proclaim His Kingdom and bring people to Him.

I pray that more and more young people willing to go for Him, be the light in this world, especially in the darkest place in the world. May His name be praised in every nation, every tribe and every tongue.

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